Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Di Bantimurung

Duch...serius lihat apa sech......
Maem yukkk.....laper nech...dari pagi dah ketemu hujan....diperjalanan hujan terus sampai bantimurung...jd tidur terus...pas tiba dah laper dech....Mari Makan....
Mari Menari, Tarian anak sulawesi....Pakarenayya....
Gini nech...qlo kt2 pada ketemu...semunya gifo.....
Waduh2....aq g' kelihatan nech....hiks....hiks....
Si Ani lebay banget dech...pke acara nyandar2 ma si syaka...hati2 lho...ntar si Irma cemburu ngelihatnya...
Duch ....minggir dikit dunk....
Lagi di air terjun " Bantimurung ".... g' bisa berenang karena airnya lagi deras banget, demi keamanan lebih baik foto2 aja....pakai kuning siapa takut.... :)

Rabu, 20 Januari 2010


Kata sahabat adalah sebuah kata yang menandakan bahwa manusia adalah makhluk sosial namun demikian besar arti sebenarnya dari sebuah persahabatan sehingga membuatnya begitu berarti. kadang sahabat dapat membuat hari-hari yang kita lalui benar-benar indah dan memiliki banyak cerita, namun kadang juga sahabat membuat kenangan terburuk untuk kita sepanjang hidup.

untuk de2k sahabat adalah sahabat, dan sahabat terbaik adalah sahabat yang tau kapan dia atau kita membutuhkannya....dan keju2ran adlah pondasi penting dlm persahabatan

::butuh waktu yang lama untuk membangun sebuah persahabatan, tetapi hanya butuh waktu singkat untuk menghancurkannya::

Apa yang kita alami demi teman kadang-kadang melelahkan
dan menjengkelkan, tetapi itulah yang membuat persahabatan
mempunyai nilai yang indah.

Persahabatan sering menyuguhkan beberapa cobaan, tetapi
persahabatan sejati bisa mengatasi cobaan itu bahkan
bertumbuh bersama karenanya…

Persahabatan tidak terjalin secara otomatis tetapi
membutuhkan proses yang panjang seperti besi menajamkanbesi,
demikianlah sahabat menajamkan sahabatnya. Persahabatan
diwarnai dengan berbagai pengalaman suka dan duka, dihibur-disakiti,
diperhatikan-dikecewakan, didengar-diabaikan, dibantu-ditolak,
namun semua ini tidak pernah sengaja dilakukan
dengan tujuan kebencian.

Seorang sahabat tidak akan menyembunyikan kesalahan
untuk menghindari perselisihan, justru karena kasihnya
ia memberanikan diri menegur apa adanya.

Sahabat tidak pernah membungkus pukulan dengan ciuman,
tetapi menyatakan apa yang amat menyakitkan
dengan tujuan sahabatnya mau berubah.

Proses dari teman menjadi sahabat membutuhkan usaha
pemeliharaan dari kesetiaan, tetapi bukan pada saat kita
membutuhkan bantuan barulah kita memiliki motivasi
mencari perhatian, pertolongan dan pernyataaan kasih
dari orang lain, tetapi justru ia beriinisiatif memberikan
dan mewujudkan apa yang dibutuhkan oleh sahabatnya.

Kerinduannya adalah menjadi bagian dari kehidupan sahabatnya,
karena tidak ada persahabatan yang diawali dengan sikap egoistis.
Semua orang pasti membutuhkan sahabat sejati,
namun tidak semua orang berhasil mendapatkannya.
Banyak pula orang yang telah menikmati indahnya persahabatan, namun
ada juga yang begitu hancur karena dikhianati sahabatnya.

Beberapa hal seringkali menjadi penghancur
persahabatan antara lain :
1. Masalah bisnis UUD (Ujung-Ujungnya Duit)
2. Ketidakterbukaan
3. Kehilangan kepercayaan
4. Perubahan perasaan antar lawan jenis
5. Ketidaksetiaan.
Tetapi penghancur persahabatan ini telah berhasil dipatahkan
oleh sahabat-sahabat yang teruji kesejatian motivasinya.

Renungkan :
**Mempunyai satu sahabat sejati lebih berharga dari seribu teman yang mementingkan diri sendiri
“Dalam masa kejayaan, teman2 mengenal kita. Dalam kesengsaraan, kita mengenal teman2 kita.”**

Minggu, 10 Januari 2010

cuma ngumpulkan yang berserakan

Di Kamar koe....
Di "TO"...menunggu....
Di Trans Studio....
Di Tope Jawa, Takalar....
Di pernikahan Juju....
Foto ma ustazd gaul.....


Taman Nasional Bulusaraung terletak di Kabupaten Maros, Sulawesi Selatan, sekitar 30 kilometer dari kota Makasar.

Ketika kita memasuki tempat wisata tersebut akan terlihat patung kera dan kupu-kupu raksasa akan menyambut kita dipintu gerbang.

Konon, Bantimurung adalah kerajaan kera dan kupu-kupu. Dulu, ditaman ini bisa ditemukan aneka jenis kera dan kupu-kupu namun sayang untuk sekarang jarang sekali ditemukan, kalaupun ada tinggal beberapa jenis didalam hutan.

Dihari libur, pengunjung yang berdatangan lumayan banyak bahkan terkadang sampai berdesakan. Ditempat wisata ini terdapat kolan dan air terjun.

Air terjun Bantimurung sangat besar dan indah, lebarnya kira-kira 20 meter, sedangkan tingginya sekitar 15 meter. Ditempat ini juga terdapat Goa Batu(gowa jodoh) dan Goa Mimpi.

Didalam goa tersebut, terdapat stalagtit yang sangat indah, begitupun dengan gua mimpi tak kalah indahnya. Selain itu sempatkan diri untuk datang ke Museum kupu-kupu yang menjual berbagai macam suvenir.

Kawasan air terjun dan sekitarnya merupakan daerah piknik yang populer dan ia merupakan daerah yang nyaman untuk berkeliling, dan berenang juga menikmati pemandangan yang menarik.

Dari arah air terjun seseorang dapat berkendaraan menuju taman nasional yang dekat melalui barisan bukit kapur

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010


Hati Adalah Ladang. Sesungguhnya setengah perkataan itu ada yang lebih keras dari batu, lebih tajam dari tusukan jarum, lebih pahit daripada jadam, dan lebih panas daripada bara. Sesungguhnya hati adalah ladang, maka tanamlah ia dengan perkataan yang baik, karna jika tidak tumbuh semuanya (perkataan yang tidak baik), niscaya tumbuh sebagiannya.

Love, Hate, Jealousy and Loyalty ...

Hate can not remove memories created
Hates not immerse a loving heart
Hate only provoke a sense of dismay in the hearts
Only produce hatred hate themselves

Where will I take this heart
A heart full of anxiety because the jealous
Why does the human heart can hurt
Why do humans not only in berries happy

As a Gibran once said about love
Let her hold you
Although its wings beyond the sword wound

Love not only gives happiness
But it also gives grief
But sometimes the sadness of the give love
Is a joy of a lover

"Perhaps you love something, when he was very bad
you. And may you hate something, but actually he was good
you. God knows, and you do not know much ".


The word is a word a smile a beautiful and interesting, fun, and exciting.
How can a Muslim not to smile while he has bless God as his Lord, Islam as a religion, and Muhammad Mustafa. Is his prophet? How he did not smile while for him has grown gardens pleasant, and a green garden, which her trees are beautiful refreshing, and the full beauty of plants. How he did not smile as God has made him the stars bright, wide sea, land winding, and the planets are spinning in its axis?

How he did not smile, while the birds singing, doves singing, the sun was shining, a beautiful moon shining, the morning comes in the light, and the rain that came behind the clouds in the sky? How he tidka smiling, while the wind breeze blowing, leaves rustling, whistling canary, beautiful scent is blowing, the water falls in between the rocks love song, and tell the beauty of the fence?

Let a smile ........

make friends

What we have experienced for friends sometimes exhausting
and annoying, but that's what makes friendship
have a wonderful value.

Friendship often served several trials, but
true friendship can overcome even the test
grow with it ...

Friendship is not created automatically but
requires a long process such as iron sharpens iron,
so a friend sharpens his friend. Friendship
colored with a variety of experiences joy and sorrow, comfort, hurt,
note-disappointed, to hear-neglected, assisted-rejected,
but these have never intentionally done
with the aim of hatred.

A friend does not hide mistakes
to avoid disputes, precisely because of his love
he ventured to rebuke what it is.

Friends of wrapping never blow a kiss,
but to say what a very painful
with the aim of his friend want to change.

The process of friends become friends requires effort
maintenance of fidelity, but not when we
need help then we have the motivation
for attention, help and statements of love
from others, but instead he gave beriinisiatif
and realize what is needed by his friend.

His longing is to become part of the life of his friend,
because there is no friendship that begins with self-important attitude.
Everyone needs a true friend,
but not everyone got it.
Many people who have been enjoying the beauty of friendship, but
There also are so devastated by his best friend betrayed.

Some things often become destroyers
friendship among others:
1. Business problems Constitution (tip-tip Duit)
2. Ketidakterbukaan
3. Lose faith
4. Changes in feelings between the opposite sex
5. Infidelity.
But this friendship destroyer has successfully broken
by the friends who tested for authenticity motivation.

** Having a true friend is more valuable than a thousand friends selfish
"In the heyday, my friends know us. In adversity, we know friends - our friends. "**


The first time Ruth The poetry reading was, and needles to menagis.
try to imagine returning the love and struggle of raising our mothers. true words of our songs are often nyayikan in childhood, our "mother's love along the way, do not measure all time, and not only give hope back, like the sun shining on the world".

try to think back to our Mother's love through this poem the Ruth, and do not forget to always say a prayer at his mother beloved to us. may be useful .....

My son, ...
When the mother may choose
Is the mother or the slender bodied big man because bore
Then the mother will choose bore ...
Because the mother bore you feel the magic and majesty of God

Nine-month son, ... you live in the mother's abdomen
You go wherever she went
You come to feel when the mother's heart beat for joy
You kicked the mother's womb when you feel uncomfortable, because the mother was disappointed and in tears ...

My son, ...
If the mother can choose whether the mother had to caesarean section, or the mother had to struggle gave birth to
So she chose to fight gave birth to
Because waiting from hour to hour, minute to minute nativity
It is like waiting for the queue to enter one of the doors of heaven
Because the magnitude of perjuanganmu to find a way out into the world so the mother feels
And that's when the greatness of God over us both
The angel smiled between sweat and groan of pain,
The mother could never tell anyone

And when you attend, your tears break the world
That's when the most happy ...
All the pain & suffering vanished see yourself the red,
Listening adzan father,
Sentence creed greatness of God and the determination of the heart of our lord Allah in your little ear

My son, ...
If the mother can choose whether the mother busty beautiful, or have to wake up at midnight to menyusuimu,
So mothers choose menyusuimu,
Because the mother had menyusuimu equip your life with droplets and sip sip the precious
Feel the warmth of the lips and your body in the mother's chest mother sleep,
It is an incredible feeling that other people can not feel

My son, ...
When the mother may choose to sit for long in the boardroom
Or sitting on the floor with you put the puzzle
So she chose to play the puzzle with

But my son ...
Life is a choice ...
If the choice of the mother, you feel lonely and miserable
So forgive nak ...
I'm so sorry ...
I'm so sorry ...
Believe me son, she was perfecting the puzzle of our lives,
So no one kepingpun the puzzle of our lives lost
Believe nak ...
Lonely and sad ranamu are some mothers
Believe nak ...
You are always a part of the life of the mother ...

added missing for home and meet my beloved mama

I miss ... I miss ... I'm going home

Mom ... I just miss my mom ... even though we live in one the same blue sky, as beautiful ....

Mom ... I've always been in your arms, feel the beat of your heart ... when I was sick and complaining ... I feel your caress and bisikanmu that can make me sleep and forget my pain ...

when I started growing up, now I'm far from you ... but your attention always makes me feel close to you ....

Now, I want it back backwards ... period where I wanted to bermanja and play with you ... tp you would know my grief, my sad ....

One thing that can not be looked into is the eye .... mam mama always said my eyes will emit light of happiness and sadness .... I was not saying that I can say will shine in my eyes ....

but I want to go home .... dedek want to go home ...

dedek want to feel asleep in the bedroom where dedek spent his childhood there ... wanted to commemorate the fun we used to ....

Wait dedek, ... my mama and daddy ...

embroidery love

Bismillah ..
into this place, I invite all friends to share word-of pearl, motivation words, uplifting, wise words, messages and advice by and for us all ... Because it could be what we write, urgently needed by Sodara - Sodara us for encouragement, reminders, and a motivator for others ....

hopefully helpful

"Person who accepts it is a good hide-kindness as well as when she hides ugliness, ugliness" of the clergy.

with a sincere heart .. our feet felt lighter than a piece of cotton ..

"Life can be changed, from anger to be controlling pengumbar anger, from retaining spreader jd sorry sorry".

man even thinking "can not", but he kept trying ... then he's really "MUST BE" finish ...

life is a trust, each trust will be accountable, accountability is the heaviest in the presence of Allah Subhanahu WaTa'ala, for every good and bad deeds ...:), O God let me come back to you before I felt the last breath of my life ...

The higher the tree, going faster and faster the wind will blow it. The more knowledge we seek the greater the exams we will meet. But behind such tests is Greatness Alloh that will always accompany, who is always there to provide guidance for us.

Your heart is your King, your body is your people, and your passion is Tentaramu ...

Be King of the fair and wise, for the People and not capable of Tentaramu was a coup for you ... O King!

every event in this festival is agad-potongna mosaic pieces, here and there terserakan ..
spread in the spread in the vulnerable and less time-space but slowly he will form a shape like a montage of Antoni Gaudí's mosaics akn build, who you dewsa later, then what do you do in life echoes in eternity akn ...
the berkelanalah this earth with your mosaic

"Write down your dreams with pencil and eraser to give GOD ... let HIM delete the wrong section and replace it with something more beautiful ...."

Stay optimistic and smile yes ...!

"However I want something, keep my heart must kupersipakan to find the reality does not fit with my expectations. Because it's probably best for me ... "(leaves scattered, palgunadi T s)

Give us Alloh ....

happy & sad, laughter & tears, and the rich & poor is the rhythm of this life, just imagine if life is just full of laughter or tears, then life will saturate.
see the rainbow, so beautiful, karna he decorated not just one color. paint your life with a colorful and Live life according to the scenario created by God, so that we could be elected as an actor / actress, best in the next competition award, and honored in the form of heaven filled with beauty.

life is a surprise ... and get ready for the next surprise .... and the winners are those who can survive in all weather ....

"Do-good sesunguhnya not know-nothing wrong prnah but do-do-well is always correct to fault"

become a person who Rabbani, with all the shortcomings that we have easy hope God Almighty will accept us as it is


When you feel the favor of Allah upon you is not really reduced the case but was reduced syukurmu the pleasure


Life is a chance for us to devote ourselves to the potential of others.
Life is a chance for us to share the joys and sorrows with the people we care about.
Life is a chance for us to get to know other people.
Life is a chance for us to serve all mankind.
Life is a chance for us to love our spouse, our parents, brothers, and love our neighbor.
Life is a chance for us to learn and keep learning about the meaning of life.
Life is a chance for us to always give thanks to the Almighty ..

new year and spongebob

the aunt invited to "TRANS STUDIO" confused want to wear, is this still a new year. wearing the wrong shirt, want to wear batik looks like going to a formal event ... mmmh .... why do not wear tee shirts spongebob just ... I just happen to have two pairs of clothes spongebob ... just two weeks ago when he bought the mall " MARI "

I decided to wear the sweater spongebob first and this is the result ... too tight and rather look fat ... or are obese yach ... hehehe ....

and finally my friends I decided to make this my innards sweater for my dress the other spongebob .... how? not good? nice dunk ...

see what my smile with a smile spongebob? certainly sweeter smile yach ... this was taken in the boarding room qu ... knowingly children boarding ... with just enough room for himself ....

last stood in front of the horse that was running fast ... like a race to reach the sea ... my hp rang, my aunt was already in front of my boarding place and ready to take his nephew to walk - the road to see the beautiful city of makassar